• "It all begins with taking a leap of faith. Scheduling a consultation. Maybe you want to find the therapist that works best for you. Maybe you want to find a cheerleader that can walk with you through obstacles. Whatever it is, I am here to be all things that help you feel your best.

    – Nicole

  • "Don’t worry about sounding perfect in sessions. Kick your feet up on the couch. Bring a coffee in session. If your teen wants to bring art supplies and an idea, lets paint that day. Sound like you. There are over a million therapists and you stumbled across my website. Your story of healing begins here.

    – Nicole

Learn about our services

  • Nicole uses art therapy for teens that have trouble articulating thoughts and difficult emotions. Art therapy is a great way to bond with clients. and allow conversations to come up naturally. Nicole paints, draws, and uses color to tap into mood and deeper conversations with clients.

  • Nicole loves to make therapy exciting for clients by allowing a mixture of games and art with talk therapy ( if this service is sought out). Teens gravitate towards this, as Nicole incorporates competitive, highly exciting and calming activities into talk therapy.

  • Nicole has played soccer competitively for years. Nicole incorporates sports& movement into sessions if this service is sought out. Whether this is kicking a ball, throwing a football, walking.. Nicole can do it !